While you may not have to worry about fecal matter getting in your bowl of cereal (provided you’re showering in a clean bathroom), there is still a small chance of microbial transfer from dripping hair strands to your food, per Penn State University food safety expert Martin Bucknavage (via TODAY).
Additionally, the shower environment — floor, walls, shower curtains, etc. — contains microorganisms. “Generally, the only part of our body that touches these surfaces are the bottoms of our feet. But if you are trying to negotiate handling food in the shower, you are likely to need to have more contact with these surfaces,” he explained. If you’re eating in the shower often, like Jessica Biel claims to do, there’s a chance of food particles ending up on your walls or shower curtains. If you don’t clean up thoroughly afterward, you’re creating a space for bacteria to breed in.
The celebrity has shared tips to apparently successfully practice this habit — like resting your food on a ledge, taking turns between bites of food, and returning to chew under the water with your mouth firmly closed to avoid taking in shower water. However, there’s still a chance of choking, swallowing soap, or even slipping on spilled food. According to health coach Hannah Shine (via Pop Sugar), “Eating in the bathroom can increase the risk of choking and contamination. Instead, it is best to enjoy food in a designated eating area, such as the kitchen or dining room, to maintain proper hygiene and safety while eating.” Perhaps we should just stick to the fitness routines Jessica Biel swears by.
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