The Trick Doctors Swear By To Stop A Baby's Crying - Health Digest


Sometimes, a lukewarm bath, soft music, or a stroller ride can be effective at calming a fussy baby. In other cases, a baby may respond better to touch, such as back-rubbing or gentle rocking. 

In a 2013 study published in Current Biology, researchers found that carrying one’s young elicited the greatest calming effects in both human babies and baby mice. For human babies, this meant being held by their mother while the mother was in continuous motion (walking), as opposed to sitting still. For baby mice, this soothing effect was observed in response to oral transportation by the mother. The research showed that babies’ body movement, heart rate, and crying lessened in response to being carried. These study findings demonstrate an interconnectedness between central, motor, and cardiac responses in infants to motion-based carrying.

These kinds of studies may provide some insight as to why rocking can be an effective means of alleviating infant crying. After all, just like carrying, rocking is motion-based too. Rocking can also take different forms. Some caregivers may softly sway their babies from side to side, back and forth, or gently bounce their infant — such as when seated on a large exercise ball (via Healthline). But there may be another form of rocking that could also do the trick.


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