The Three Phases Of Breast Milk And What They're Used For - Health Digest


Breastfed babies receive colostrum as their first milk. Lovingly referred to as “liquid gold,” colostrum provides a baby with protein, vitamins, minerals, and antibodies that are beneficial for their developing immune system, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The milk contains vitamin A, magnesium, copper, and zinc, and is a yellowish, white, or clear color. Sometimes, colostrum can contain small amounts of blood. 

It’s possible for colostrum to leak from your breasts before your baby is even born, since pregnancy hormones trigger its production between 12 and 18 weeks of pregnancy, as described by Grow by WebMD. Pregnant women may begin to experience colostrum leakage during their second trimester. 

Once your baby is born, colostrum lasts for about two to five days, until your breasts start to produce transitional milk. A newborn baby can benefit from colostrum in a number of ways, as it can improve their gut health, protect them against germs and infections, and help them with their first bowel movement. Additionally, colostrum promotes growth and development in premature babies. 

The slow release of colostrum from the breast allows a baby to learn how to breastfeed. As pointed out by the American Pregnancy Association, a newborn baby’s stomach is very small and will continue to grow as breastfeeding progresses in the upcoming weeks. The 1-4 teaspoons of colostrum you produce each day will be sufficient for your newborn. 


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