Can't Sleep Through A Gnarly Cough? Eat These Two Ingredients Right Before Bed - Health Digest


Everyone and their grandmother has a nighttime cough remedy for you to try. But @glowingnaturallyuk provides a simple, tested recipe with honey and black pepper that’s good for adults and children without honey allergies. To create this coughing cure, mix one tablespoon (adults) or one teaspoon (children) with a pinch of black pepper. Scoop the mixture into your mouth and go to sleep. 

Now, let’s look at the science behind why it works. A 2012 study in Pediatrics on nocturnal cough and sleep quality found honey at bedtime was effective in suppressing cough and improving sleep quality. The study surveyed children for two consecutive nights, comparing the effects of honey to a placebo. The honey showed more significant improvement in the upper respiratory tract infection than the placebo. Additionally, an article in Canadian Family Physician states that a single dose of honey is effective in reducing mucus secretions and coughing in children. It also notes that honey’s benefits include antimicrobial effects.

Black pepper is more than just a spice to heat up your favorite mac and cheese. It’s also been shown to improve inflammation. Research in the Journal of Translational Medicine showed that peperine (peppers’ main compound) could help fight inflammation that leads to chronic diseases and cancer. Additionally, a study in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology showed peperine effectively treated inflammation in the airways.


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